The Psychovital Mental Health Clinic is an organization to connect patients with psychologists and encourage therapeutic processes.

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday and Sunday - Technical Support
  • 3985 Ravenswood Road Fort lauderdale. Florida 33312

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In the process of self-awareness, it’s important to validate your emotions, recognize when it’s time to pause and reflect, and distinguish how your inner dialogue is going, how you’re acting, and how you’re feeling.😤😃 How often do we suppress what we feel or avoid expressing our opinions for fear of making others uncomfortable, without realizing …

We often try to fight anxiety, wishing it would just go away. But when you see it as part of who you are, things start to make a lot more sense👎🏻 "Fighting anxiety only makes it fight back harder, leaving you exhausted."👍🏻 "Instead of battling it, try walking alongside it. Over time, you’ll find balance and take …

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